Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chapter 5: Functions and Program Structure

Chapter 5: Functions and Program Structure

A function is a ``black box'' that we've locked part of our program into. The idea behind a function is that it compartmentalizes part of the program, and in particular, that the code within the function has some useful properties:

  1. It performs some well-defined task, which will be useful to other parts of the program.
  2. It might be useful to other programs as well; that is, we might be able to reuse it (and without having to rewrite it).
  3. The rest of the program doesn't have to know the details of how the function is implemented. This can make the rest of the program easier to think about.
  4. The function performs its task well. It may be written to do a little more than is required by the first program that calls it, with the anticipation that the calling program (or some other program) may later need the extra functionality or improved performance. (It's important that a finished function do its job well, otherwise there might be a reluctance to call it, and it therefore might not achieve the goal of reusability.)
  5. By placing the code to perform the useful task into a function, and simply calling the function in the other parts of the program where the task must be performed, the rest of the program becomes clearer: rather than having some large, complicated, difficult-to-understand piece of code repeated wherever the task is being performed, we have a single simple function call, and the name of the function reminds us which task is being performed.
  6. Since the rest of the program doesn't have to know the details of how the function is implemented, the rest of the program doesn't care if the function is reimplemented later, in some different way (as long as it continues to perform its same task, of course!). This means that one part of the program can be rewritten, to improve performance or add a new feature (or simply to fix a bug), without having to rewrite the rest of the program.

Functions are probably the most important weapon in our battle against software complexity. You'll want to learn when it's appropriate to break processing out into functions (and also when it's not), and how to set up function interfaces to best achieve the qualities mentioned above: reuseability, information hiding, clarity, and maintainability.

5.1 Function Basics

So what defines a function? It has a name that you call it by, and a list of zero or more arguments or parameters that you hand to it for it to act on or to direct its work; it has a body containing the actual instructions (statements) for carrying out the task the function is supposed to perform; and it may give you back a return value, of a particular type.

Here is a very simple function, which accepts one argument, multiplies it by 2, and hands that value back:

        int multbytwo(int x)
               int retval;
               retval = x * 2;
               return retval;

On the first line we see the return type of the function (int), the name of the function (multbytwo), and a list of the function's arguments, enclosed in parentheses. Each argument has both a name and a type; multbytwo accepts one argument, of type int, named x. The name x is arbitrary, and is used only within the definition of multbytwo. The caller of this function only needs to know that a single argument of type int is expected; the caller does not need to know what name the function will use internally to refer to that argument. (In particular, the caller does not have to pass the value of a variable named x.)

Next we see, surrounded by the familiar braces, the body of the function itself. This function consists of one declaration (of a local variable retval) and two statements. The first statement is a conventional expression statement, which computes and assigns a value to retval, and the second statement is a return statement, which causes the function to return to its caller, and also specifies the value which the function returns to its caller.

The return statement can return the value of any expression, so we don't really need the local retval variable; the function could be collapsed to

        int multbytwo(int x)
               return x * 2;

How do we call a function? We've been doing so informally since day one, but now we have a chance to call one that we've written, in full detail. Here is a tiny skeletal program to call multby2:

        extern int multbytwo(int);
        int main()
               int i, j;
               i = 3;
               j = multbytwo(i);
               printf("%d\n", j);
               return 0;

This looks much like our other test programs, with the exception of the new line

        extern int multbytwo(int);

This is an external function prototype declaration. It is an external declaration, in that it declares something which is defined somewhere else. (We've already seen the defining instance of the function multbytwo, but maybe the compiler hasn't seen it yet.) The function prototype declaration contains the three pieces of information about the function that a caller needs to know: the function's name, return type, and argument type(s). Since we don't care what name the multbytwo function will use to refer to its first argument, we don't need to mention it. (On the other hand, if a function takes several arguments, giving them names in the prototype may make it easier to remember which is which, so names may optionally be used in function prototype declarations.) Finally, to remind us that this is an external declaration and not a defining instance, the prototype is preceded by the keyword extern.

The presence of the function prototype declaration lets the compiler know that we intend to call this function, multbytwo. The information in the prototype lets the compiler generate the correct code for calling the function, and also enables the compiler to check up on our code (by making sure, for example, that we pass the correct number of arguments to each function we call).

Down in the body of main, the action of the function call should be obvious: the line

        j = multbytwo(i);

calls multbytwo, passing it the value of i as its argument. When multbytwo returns, the return value is assigned to the variable j. (Notice that the value of main's local variable i will become the value of multbytwo's parameter x; this is absolutely not a problem, and is a normal sort of affair.)

This example is written out in ``longhand,'' to make each step equivalent. The variable i isn't really needed, since we could just as well call

        j = multbytwo(3);

And the variable j isn't really needed, either, since we could just as well call

        printf("%d\n", multbytwo(3));

Here, the call to multbytwo is a subexpression which serves as the second argument to printf. The value returned by multbytwo is passed immediately to printf. (Here, as in general, we see the flexibility and generality of expressions in C. An argument passed to a function may be an arbitrarily complex subexpression, and a function call is itself an expression which may be embedded as a subexpression within arbitrarily complicated surrounding expressions.)

We should say a little more about the mechanism by which an argument is passed down from a caller into a function. Formally, C is call by value, which means that a function receives copies of the values of its arguments. We can illustrate this with an example. Suppose, in our implementation of multbytwo, we had gotten rid of the unnecessary retval variable like this:

        int multbytwo(int x)
               x = x * 2;
               return x;

We might wonder, if we wrote it this way, what would happen to the value of the variable i when we called

        j = multbytwo(i);

When our implementation of multbytwo changes the value of x, does that change the value of i up in the caller? The answer is no. x receives a copy of i's value, so when we change x we don't change i.

However, there is an exception to this rule. When the argument you pass to a function is not a single variable, but is rather an array, the function does not receive a copy of the array, and it therefore can modify the array in the caller. The reason is that it might be too expensive to copy the entire array, and furthermore, it can be useful for the function to write into the caller's array, as a way of handing back more data than would fit in the function's single return value. We'll see an example of an array argument (which the function deliberately writes into) in the next chapter.

5.2 Function Prototypes

In modern C programming, it is considered good practice to use prototype declarations for all functions that you call. As we mentioned, these prototypes help to ensure that the compiler can generate correct code for calling the functions, as well as allowing the compiler to catch certain mistakes you might make.

Strictly speaking, however, prototypes are optional. If you call a function for which the compiler has not seen a prototype, the compiler will do the best it can, assuming that you're calling the function correctly.

If prototypes are a good idea, and if we're going to get in the habit of writing function prototype declarations for functions we call that we've written (such as multbytwo), what happens for library functions such as printf? Where are their prototypes? The answer is in that boilerplate line


we've been including at the top of all of our programs. stdio.h is conceptually a file full of external declarations and other information pertaining to the ``Standard I/O'' library functions, including printf. The #include directive (which we'll meet formally in a later chapter) arranges that all of the declarations within stdio.h are considered by the compiler, rather as if we'd typed them all in ourselves. Somewhere within these declarations is an external function prototype declaration for printf, which satisfies the rule that there should be a prototype for each function we call. (For other standard library functions we call, there will be other ``header files'' to include.) Finally, one more thing about external function prototype declarations. We've said that the distinction between external declarations and defining instances of normal variables hinges on the presence or absence of the keyword extern. The situation is a little bit different for functions. The ``defining instance'' of a function is the function, including its body (that is, the brace-enclosed list of declarations and statements implementing the function). An external declaration of a function, even without the keyword extern, looks nothing like a function declaration. Therefore, the keyword extern is optional in function prototype declarations. If you wish, you can write

        int multbytwo(int);

and this is just as good an external function prototype declaration as

        extern int multbytwo(int);

(In the first form, without the extern, as soon as the compiler sees the semicolon, it knows it's not going to see a function body, so the declaration can't be a definition.) You may want to stay in the habit of using extern in all external declarations, including function declarations, since ``extern = external declaration'' is an easier rule to remember.

5.3 Function Philosophy

What makes a good function? The most important aspect of a good ``building block'' is that have a single, well-defined task to perform. When you find that a program is hard to manage, it's often because it has not been designed and broken up into functions cleanly. Two obvious reasons for moving code down into a function are because:

1. It appeared in the main program several times, such that by making it a function, it can be written just once, and the several places where it used to appear can be replaced with calls to the new function.

2. The main program was getting too big, so it could be made (presumably) smaller and more manageable by lopping part of it off and making it a function.

These two reasons are important, and they represent significant benefits of well-chosen functions, but they are not sufficient to automatically identify a good function. As we've been suggesting, a good function has at least these two additional attributes:

3. It does just one well-defined task, and does it well.

4. Its interface to the rest of the program is clean and narrow.

Attribute 3 is just a restatement of two things we said above. Attribute 4 says that you shouldn't have to keep track of too many things when calling a function. If you know what a function is supposed to do, and if its task is simple and well-defined, there should be just a few pieces of information you have to give it to act upon, and one or just a few pieces of information which it returns to you when it's done. If you find yourself having to pass lots and lots of information to a function, or remember details of its internal implementation to make sure that it will work properly this time, it's often a sign that the function is not sufficiently well-defined. (A poorly-defined function may be an arbitrary chunk of code that was ripped out of a main program that was getting too big, such that it essentially has to have access to all of that main function's local variables.)

The whole point of breaking a program up into functions is so that you don't have to think about the entire program at once; ideally, you can think about just one function at a time. We say that a good function is a ``black box,'' which is supposed to suggest that the ``container'' it's in is opaque--callers can't see inside it (and the function inside can't see out). When you call a function, you only have to know what it does, not how it does it. When you're writing a function, you only have to know what it's supposed to do, and you don't have to know why or under what circumstances its caller will be calling it. (When designing a function, we should perhaps think about the callers just enough to ensure that the function we're designing will be easy to call, and that we aren't accidentally setting things up so that callers will have to think about any internal details.)

Some functions may be hard to write (if they have a hard job to do, or if it's hard to make them do it truly well), but that difficulty should be compartmentalized along with the function itself. Once you've written a ``hard'' function, you should be able to sit back and relax and watch it do that hard work on call from the rest of your program. It should be pleasant to notice (in the ideal case) how much easier the rest of the program is to write, now that the hard work can be deferred to this workhorse function.

(In fact, if a difficult-to-write function's interface is well-defined, you may be able to get away with writing a quick-and-dirty version of the function first, so that you can begin testing the rest of the program, and then go back later and rewrite the function to do the hard parts. As long as the function's original interface anticipated the hard parts, you won't have to rewrite the rest of the program when you fix the function.)

What I've been trying to say in the preceding few paragraphs is that functions are important for far more important reasons than just saving typing. Sometimes, we'll write a function which we only call once, just because breaking it out into a function makes things clearer and easier.

If you find that difficulties pervade a program, that the hard parts can't be buried inside black-box functions and then forgotten about; if you find that there are hard parts which involve complicated interactions among multiple functions, then the program probably needs redesigning.

For the purposes of explanation, we've been seeming to talk so far only about ``main programs'' and the functions they call and the rationale behind moving some piece of code down out of a ``main program'' into a function. But in reality, there's obviously no need to restrict ourselves to a two-tier scheme. Any function we find ourself writing will often be appropriately written in terms of sub-functions, sub-sub-functions, etc. (Furthermore, the ``main program,'' main(), is itself just a function.)

5.4 Separate Compilation--Logistics

When a program consists of many functions, it can be convenient to split them up into several source files. Among other things, this means that when a change is made, only the source file containing the change has to be recompiled, not the whole program.

The job of putting the pieces of a program together and producing the final executable falls to a tool called the linker. (We may or may not need to invoke the linker explicitly; a compiler often invokes it automatically, as needed.) The linker looks through all of the pieces making up the program, sorting out the external declarations and defining instances. The compiler has noted the definitions made by each source file, as well as the declarations of things used by each source file but (presumably) defined elsewhere. For each thing (global variable or function) used but not defined by one piece of the program, the linker looks for another piece which does define that thing.

The logistics of writing a program in several source files, and then compiling and linking all of the source files together, depend on the programming environment you're using. We'll cover two possibilities, depending on whether you're using a traditional command-line compiler or a newer integrated development environment (IDE) or other graphical user interface (GUI) compiler.

When using a command-line compiler, there are usually two main steps involved in building an executable program from one or more source files. First, each source file is compiled, resulting in an object file containing the machine instructions (generated by the compiler) corresponding to just the code in that source file. Second, the various object files are linked together, with each other and with libraries containing code for functions which you did not write (such as printf), to produce a final, executable program.

Under Unix, the cc command can perform one or both steps. So far, we've been using extremely simple invocations of cc such as

        cc -o hello hello.c

This invocation compiles a single source file, hello.c, links it, and places the executable in a file named hello.

Suppose we have a program which we're trying to build from three separate source files, x.c, y.c, and z.c. We could compile all three of them, and link them together, all at once, with the command

        cc -o myprog x.c y.c z.c

Alternatively, we could compile them separately: the -c option to cc tells it to compile only, but not to link. Instead of building an executable, it merely creates an object file, with a name ending in .o, for each source file compiled. So the three commands

        cc -c x.c
        cc -c y.c
        cc -c y.c

would compile x.c, y.c, and z.c and create object files x.o, y.o, and z.o. Then, the three object files could be linked together using

        cc -o myprog x.o y.o z.o

When the cc command is given an .o file, it knows that it does not have to compile it (it's an object file, already compiled); it just sends it through to the link process.

Above we mentioned that the second, linking step also involves pulling in library functions. Normally, the functions from the Standard C library are linked in automatically. Occasionally, you must request a library manually; one common situation under Unix is that the math functions tend to be in a separate math library, which is requested by using -lm on the command line. Since the libraries must typically be searched after your program's own object files are linked (so that the linker knows which library functions your program uses), any -l option must appear after the names of your files on the command line. For example, to link the object file mymath.o (previously compiled with cc -c mymath.c) together with the math library, you might use

        cc -o mymathprog mymath.o -lm

(The l in the -l option is the lower case ell, for library; it is not the digit 1.)

Everything we've said about cc also applies to most other Unix C compilers. (Many of you will be using gcc, the FSF's GNU C Compiler.)

There are command-line compilers for MS-DOS systems which work similarly. For example, the Microsoft C compiler comes with a CL (``compile and link'') command, which works almost the same as Unix cc. You can compile and link in one step:

        cl hello.c

or you can compile only:

        cl /c hello.c

creating an object file named hello.obj which you can link later.

The preceding has all been about command-line compilers. If you're using some kind of integrated development environment, such as Borland's Turbo C or the Microsoft Programmer's Workbench or Visual C or Think C or Codewarrior, most of the mechanical details are taken care of for you. (There's also less I can say here about these environments, because they're all different.) Typically you define a ``project,'' and there's a way to specify the list of files (modules) which make up your project. The modules might be source files which you typed in or obtained elsewhere, or they might be source files which you created within the environment (perhaps by requesting a ``New source file,'' and typing it in). Typically, the programming environment has a single ``build'' button which does whatever's required to build (and perhaps even execute) your program. There may also be configuration windows in which you can specify compiler options (such as whether you'd like it to accept C or C++). ``See your manual for details.''

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