Thursday, June 30, 2011

Communication satellite and its Impacts

“Communication satellite and its Impacts”

Hello! friends,
Today, on the behalf of Communication Satellite, I`d like to present you a presentation of the topic “Communication satellite and its impacts”.
Hereby with this presentation, I plan to explain the ever-growing world of satellite communication, how it is changing the way we perform our daily tasks and how it has affected our lives in general, how different businesses have begun to utilize these new technologies.

(A) At first, I am going to focus on its meaning and types:

Well, an artificial satellite is an advanced electronic machine which is composed of various special purpose computers that receives or sends data and information in the form of signals. It`s main characteristic is that, it revolves round the earth in a fixed orbit.
Altogether, there are 5 types of satellite which are classified under their functions. And they are: Weather satellite, Military satellite, Astronomical satellite, Navigation satellite and Communication satellite.

Note: Here as number of satellite increases with decrease in its distance from the earth as a result network coverage becomes stronger.

Actually the backbone of communication satellite is geosynchronous orbit satellite. GEO (Geosynchronous orbit) satellite is 36000 KM apart from the Earth which is kept to cover 25% of the full globe. So, this orbit needs 4 satellites for full coverage. But because of this long distance signal becomes weaker. And after some research the distance is made shorter by introducing MEO (Middle earth orbit) satellite which was 10,000KM apart but number of satellite was increased to cover the whole globe. It also faced the same problem as GEO faced, which delayed in conversation. It was because of the presence of VAN ALLAN RADIATION BELT composed of highly ionized particles which damages the signal bearing particles, which is found from 1500km-10,000km. That’s why LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite was introduced at 1500km apart from the earth with huge number of satellites used. Finally, LEO gives new improvement to the network coverage.

(B) Secondly, I’d like to explain its origin and evolution:

At first ,in 1945 one of the British scientist and a science fiction publisher, C. Clarke published an article on new machine that can gives us the detail information about our planet and also can make long distance communication with high speed data transmission .

AS a result, in 1957 Soviet-union launched the first satellite called Sputnik-I, which brought vast changes in the field of global communication by reducing the voice traffic and traffic in television signals between the countries. Then ultimately, United-states also launched Explorer-I in 1958. And finally it is made for international system in the leadership of Satellite corporation system in 1962.Explorer-I

(C) Thirdly to its impacts:]

You can see its impacts and wireless communications in everyday life as you take a walk down the streets. People everywhere using cell phones, pagers, PDA`s, etc. Though even now the U.S. make stands wireless penetration at only 35% nationwide compared to European penetration level of 65%.Thus, we the south Asian are just scratching the surface for the potential growth in this field.

Another application changing our life is an internet. Though, this technology basically still in its infancy it has brought many resources within the fingertips of the population such as- research, publishing, government sectors, education, entertainment, shopping and financial services including investments and banking.Also many health and emergency response teams including American Red cross have adopted satellite technology within their means of communication in times of trouble, especially in remote areas.

Besides these all we can receive pre-warning to save our existence if anything wrong is going to happen like natural calamities and the collision of asteroids or huge masses with our planet.
Now, following the basic principle of science i.e.” when there is induction there is also deduction”. Which mean when something is introduced with its advantages it also carries disadvantages .Likewise in some cases of;
Impossibility of repairing and maintenance that’s why there is made explosion which creates universal pollution and also by hiding highly equipped weapons and interfering in the privacy of other countries can also create wars.

(d) And finally Conclusion:

To sum up these all, satellite is a linchpin of global communication which is leading the earth to twenty-first century. But we cannot neglect its negative impacts that war creating matters should be managed and also some improvement is necessary in the repairing process and maintenance system.

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