Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The milky way galaxy



Historically, galaxies have been categorized according to their apparent shape (usually referred to as their visual morphology). A common form is the elliptical galaxy, which has an ellipse shaped light profile. Spiral galaxies are disk shaped with dusty, curving arms. Galaxies with irregular or unusual shapes are known as peculiar galaxies, and typically result from disruption by the gravitational pull of neighboring galaxies. StarburstSuch interactions between nearby galaxies, which may ultimately results in galaxy merging, may induce episodes of significantly increased star formation, producing what is called a star-burst galaxy. Small galaxy that lacks a coherent structure could also be referred to as irregular galaxies.

There are probably more than 100 billions galaxies in the observable universe. Most galaxies are 1`000 to 100`000 parsecs in diameter and are usually separated by distances on the order of millions of parsecs (or mega parsecs). Intergalactic space (the space between galaxies) is filled with a tenuous gas of an average density less than 1 atom/cubic meter . The majority of galaxies are organized into hierarchy of associations called clusters, which, in turn, can form larger groups called super-clusters. these larger structures are generally arranged into sheets and filaments, which shape of galaxysurround immense voids in the universe. Although it is not well understood, dark matter appears to account for around 90% of the mass of most galaxies. observational data suggests super-massive black holes may exist at the center of many, if not all, galaxies. They are proposed to be the primary cause of active galactic nuclei found at the core of some galaxies. The milky way galaxy appears to harbor at least one such objects within its nucleus.

The word galaxy derives from for the Greek term for our own galaxy, Galaxias(?a?a??a?), or kyklos galaktikos, meaning "Milky circle" for its appearance in the sky. In Greek mythology, Zeus places his son born by a mortal women, the infant Heracles, on Hera`s breast while she is asleep so that the baby will drink milk and will thus become immortal. Hera wakes up while breast feeding and then realizes she is nursing an unknown baby: she pushes the baby away and a jet of her milk spray the night sky, producing the faint band of light known as the milky way. In the astronomical literature, the capitalized word "Galaxy" is used to refer to our galaxy, the milky way, to distinguish it from the billions of other galaxies. The term milky way first appeared in the English language in a poem by Chaucer.

The Milky way:

On the Galactic center of Milky way and a meteor, the Greek philosopher Democritus (450-370B.C.) proposed that the bright band on the night sky known as the Milky way might consists of distant stars. Aristotle (384-322B.C.), however, believed the Milky way to be caused by "the ignition of the fiery exhalation of some stars which were large , numerous and close together" and that the "ignition takes place in the upper part of the black-holeatmosphere, in the region of the world which is continuous with the heavenly motions." The Arabian astronomer Alhazen (965-1037A.d.), refuted by making the first attempt at observing and measuring the Milky way`s parallax, and thus "determined that because the Milky way had no parallax, it was very remote from the earth and did not belong to the atmosphere. "

Monday, August 8, 2011

Inspirational Nature Quotes

Nature Art

Nature, the storehouse of all ideas and the mother of all inspirational resources, has inspired poets, painters, musicians, and even scientists for centuries. The beauty, the wisdom and the ingenuity that the inspired these distinguished people to create masterpieces is available to each one of us too.

In the course of a river, in the life cycle of a butterfly and even in a tiny seed... nature has messages of inspiration. The birth of a plant is one such inspiring event-the root and shoot of a germinating seed exerts considerable force to burst open the seed coat and break through the hard ground to begin its life. Each time a tiny seedling pushes its way through the soil , the inspiration nature sends us is that the mother_nature"Roots of success are formed through the hard work".

One of the most inspiring phenomenon in nature is the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly.Through the transformation of a tiny insect that once crawled to a brilliantly colored creature that can fly, nature gently unfolds the message:"Good things come to those who wait" and inspires us to preserve.

Each time a seed drives its way through the soil in order to survive, each time a wiggly caterpillar transforms itself into a beautiful butterfly, nature is inspiring you to excel. The next time you want to be inspired, all you have to do is to look deeper into the natural world and hear the secret messages nature sends.germinating-seed

Some other inspirational quotes:

(A) "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well".
-Sir Abraham Lincoln

(B) "The first and most important step towards success is the feeling that we can succeed".
-Sir Nelson Boswell

(C) "To accomplish the great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe".
-Sir Anatole Francegerminating-seed

(D) "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all ".
- Sir Dale Carnegie

(E) "Take pride in how far you have come. Have faith in how far you can go ".
-sir ...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Environmental chemistry

Air_pollutionAir Pollution:
Air is polluted due to natural and man made pollutants. Gases such as CO2,SO2,CO,NO,SO3,NO2,H2S etc.
are continuously released into the atmosphere through natural activities as well as human activities. Thus contaminated
of air with harmful gases,dust,smoke,etc. is known as air pollution. Air pollutants disturb the dynamic equilibrium in
the atmosphere there by effect on man and his environments.

Causes of Air Pollution
acid rain

1) Burning of the fossil fuel viz petrol, coal, diesel, etc.
2) Smoke from vehicles, industries.
3) Lunching of rocket.
4) Volcanic eruption.
5) Bombarding.
6) Respiration and decay of animals and plants.

Effect of Air Pollution:

1) Man suffers from lungs and heart diseases.
2) Causes the sterility of human as well as animals and birds.
3) Increase the green house effect.
4) Effect on dynamic equilibrium of Eco-system.
5) Increase in temperature of earth.
6) Causes seasonal change.

Control of Air Pollution:
say no to carbon
1) By afforestation.
2) By using renewable source of energy.
3) By adding TEL in petrol.
4) By keeping vehicles properly tuned for the autoignition of fuel.
5) By using tall chimney in factories and houses.

Photochemical Smog:

Photo Chemical smogThe word photochemical smog is formed by the combination of smoke and fog. It occurs in big cities with warm,
dry, sunny climate. The primary pollutants like NO, NO2, CO, hydrocarbon undergo in the formation of photochemical smog.
Photochemical smog is characterized by brouhaha fumes which irritates eyes and lungs beats leading to the cracking of
rubber and extensive damage of plant life. The photochemical smog is formed when pollutants are trapped in stagnant air
and intense of sunlight is present primary pollutants undergo a number photochemical reaction in presence of intense
of sunlight to give oxide of nitrogen which combine with unburnt hydrocarbons leads to formation of aldehyde, Ketone,
peroxyacyl nitrate as photochemical smog.

Photochemical smog has several effect as:

Green-house Effect
1) It irritates eyes, throat, nose, lungs.
2) It reduces visibility and affect the air and road traffic.
3) It causes fading of dyes, paints, damage cotton.

Green house effect and global warming

Heating up of the earth's atmosphere due to the trapping of infrared radiation longer wavelength by CO2 in the atmosphere
is called the green house effect. Our earth is covered by the blanket of several gases released by human activities and
natural process. These gases from thick layers expanded from earth through which considerable portion of solar radiation
pass up to the earth surface. These radiation are absorbed and reflected back again in the form of infrared and heatwave.
This heatwave transmitted to the several layers of gases and causes the earth surface warming. This phenomenon is known
as Green house effect.
The gases responsible for green house effect are CO2, CFO, N2O, water vapor. The relatives contribution
of the radiatively active gases to increase temperature are shown in figure.

Effect of Green house effect as global warming
1) It causes the crops cultivation, growth of plants, monsoon rains.
2) Excessive melting of polar ice and causes flooding and submerging of many low-lying areas.
3) Effect on breeding of birds and fishes.
4) Increase in incidents of infectious diseases.(malaria, dengue, etc.)
5) Reduction in several production.

Control of Green house effect

1) By reducing consumption of fossil fuels drastically.
2) By increasing efficiency of I.C engine.
3) By uses of bio-gas.
4) By banning of use of CFCs.
5) By afforestation.

Ozone hole (depletion of ozone layer and CFCS)carbon consumption

Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere as oxygen absorb the high energy UV rays of sun.
Its concentration in the stratosphere is about 10ppm where as it is only about 0.04ppm near the earth surface. The Ozone
sphere acts as an absorbent of all harmful radiation coming from the sun and space and hence behave as the protective
umbrella for the living organism on the earth. However, NASA scientists in 1958 discovered a hole in the first time in
the ozone layer of the stratosphere over Antarctica. It is mainly due to chloro-flouro carbon. These CFC's are excessively
used by the human beings as coolants in refrigerators, air conditioners etc. When these CFC's comes to the earth atmosphere
absorb UV light and decompose to give chlorine atoms which destroy Ozone molecules in stratosphere as follows:


Thus once the chlorine atom is produced from decomposition of CFC, hundred of thousands of Ozone molecules are destroyed
through above same chain reaction. It is estimated that one molecule of CFC can destroy 100,000 molecules of Ozone.

Besides these CFC's other factors responsible for the depletion of ozone layer are:
1) Nuclear test
2) Combustion of fossils fuel
3) Different pollutants like NO, CO, CH4 etc.
4) Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers.
5) Supersonic trans port, rocket lunching etc.

Adverse effect of Ozone layer depletion

1) The harmful UV rays can reach the earth surface directly and causes skin cancer, blood cancer.
2) UV-radiation causes the reduction in crops productivity.
3) It also causes eye cancer.
4) It brings rust able changes in global warming and in the climate.

Protection of Ozone layer

1) By discouraging the use of CFCs
2) By providing suitable procedure to recapture the released CFCs from coolants.
3) The use of plastics foam must be boy coated.
4) By lunching worldwide awareness prognoses regarding the protection of ozone layer.

Dissolved Oxygen(DO)

It is an important water quality parameter and define as the oxygen dissolve in water which is consumed by the oxidation of organic matter. The optimum value for good water quality is 4-6mg/liter of DO which consumes healthy aquatic life in a water body. However DO values indicates water pollution.

Estimation of DO

Dissolve oxygen levels depends upon the physical, chemical and biological activities of water body. The analysis of DO plays vital role water pollution control activities. It can be estimated by iodometric titration method.

Iodometric method

DO is allowed to react with I- from I2 which is then titrated with standard solution of Na2S2O3. Fast quantitative reaction occurs by the addition of man(II) salts in strongly alkaline medhod.DO

Bio chemical oxygen demand (BOD)

It is defined as the quantitative measure of the oxygen used by the organic matter in a sample of polluted
water during a five days incubation period in the dark at 25 degree Celsius. It is evaluated experimentally by determining concentration of dissolved O2 in the beginning and at the end of a five day period in a seated water. The more the value of BOD more is polluted water.

Determination of BOD

An empirical semi quantitative method base on oxidation of organic matter by suitable microorganism
during five days period is applied to determine BOD. This parameter is commonly measured by the quantity of CO2 utilized by
suitable aquatic micro organism during five days period.
The selection of microorganism(seed) is very important and the result is obviously not reproducible. In domestic waste water or surface water, such organism are already present and seeding is unnecessary but when sample is deficient of organism feeding is necessary.

Chemical oxygen Demand(COD)

This is an index which measure the effect of pollution on dissolved oxygen. It notifies the organic content of water (oxygen demanding substance in water). In COD test, an oxidant instead of O2 is used to degrade the pollutant in the sample. The amount of added oxidant consumed is experimentally measured to calculate the equivalent oxygen required by waste materials for degradation of pollutants.

Determination of COD

Acidified Cr2O7s commonly used for such COD test. The COD includes some pollutants (eg:cellulose) which are not biodegraded bu oxygen, as a result of which the COD value for a water sample is higher than BOD value.

In the Cod test, the basic equation involved are

Therefore, 1 mole of C2r2O7 consumed=6/4=1.5 moles of oxygen used.

When a water sample is highly polluted with organic wastes,the oxygen demand will exceed the maximum equilibrium solubility of O2 in water, Such a water sample may not have any dissolved O2.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stress Management

What is stress?
Stress is a form of pain that comes to tell me there is something I need to change; Pain is a messenger that comes to tell me there is something I need to learn.
Stress has been defined as a person’s physical, mental and emotional reaction to daily events.
According to random house dictionary of English language defines stress as any stimulus, fear or pain that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism or physical, mental or emotional strain or tension. It is important for the students as well as the teachers in teaching learning process. If there is stress in any institutions the teaching learning process doesn't take place effectively so institutions should be free from any kind of tension or stress.
S=shock on the mind
T=Temper high or low
R= restlessness
S= suicide
Stress at work, stress management techniques, stress reduction and relief
All the employers should provide a stress-free work environment, recognize where stress is becoming a problem for staff, and take action to reduce stress. Stress in the workplace reduces productivity, increases management pressures, and makes people ill in many ways, evidence of which is still increasing. Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain, including functions of work performance; memory, concentration, and learning.
Quick stress reduction techniques If you are stressed, do one or all of these things, in whatever order that takes your fancy. These ideas can also be adapted for team development exercises.
The key to de-stressing in the moment is getting away from or removing you from the stressor. Developing new habits which regularly remove you and distract you from stressors and stressful situations and pressures is essentially how to manage stress on a more permanent basis.
In this modern world it is difficult if not impossible to change stressful situations. What we can do however is change and reduce our exposure to those stressful situations.
These stress reduction ideas and techniques are based on that simple principle. These tips won't change the situation causing the stress, but they will, more importantly, enable you to change your reaction and relationship to the stressful situations.
And in keeping with the tone of this stress tips section, and since colour is regarded by many as a factor in affecting mood, the calming shade of green is used for the headings..

Stress reduction idea 1 - humour
Humor is one of the greatest and quickest devices for reducing stress.
Humor works because laughter produces helpful chemicals in the brain.
Humor also gets your brain thinking and working in a different way - it distracts you from having a stressed mindset. Distraction is a simple effective de-stressor - it takes your thoughts away from the stress, and thereby diffuses the stressful feelings.
Therefore most people will feel quite different and notice a change in mindset after laughing and being distracted by something humorous.
Go read the funny family fortunes answers. Or try the funny letters to the council. Even if you've seen them a hundred times before. As you start to smile and quiet laughter the stress begins to disperse.
If this material fails to make you laugh then find something which does.
Keep taking the laughter medicine until you feel suitably relaxed and re-charged.

Stress reduction idea 2 - brisk walk and self-talk
Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside.
Yes, actually leave the building.
Change your environment.
Breathe in some fresh air and smell the atmosphere...
Trees, rain, flowers, traffic fumes - doesn't matter - stimulate your senses with new things.

Stress reduction idea 3 - rehydrate

Go get a big cup or a bottle of water.
Here's why...
Most of us fail to drink enough water - that's water - not tea, coffee, coke, 'sports' drinks, Red Bull or fruit juice...
All of your organs, including your brain, are strongly dependent on water to function properly. It's how we are built.
If you starve your body of water you will function below your best - and you will get stressed. Physically and mentally.
Offices and workplaces commonly have a very dry atmosphere due to air conditioning, etc., which increases people's susceptibility to de-hydration.
This is why you must keep your body properly hydrated by regularly drinking water (most people need 4-8 glasses of water a day).
You will drink more water if you keep some on your desk at all times - it's human nature to drink it if it's there - so go get some now.

Stress reduction technique 4 - siesta or sleep

Take a quick nap. It is nature's way of recharging and re-energizing.
A quick 10-30 minutes' sleep is very helpful to reduce stress.
It's obviously essential if you are driving while tired, but a quick sleep is a powerful de-stressor too.
A lunchtime doze off is very practical for home-workers - it just requires the realization that doing so is acceptable and beneficial (when we are conditioned unfortunately to think that sleeping during the day is lazy, rather than healthy).
If your work situation is not quite ready to tolerate the concept of a daytime nap then practice a short session of self-hypnosis, combined with deep breathing, which you can do at your desk,. It works wonders.

Stress reduction technique 5 - make cups

Any tea will do, but a flavored cup of tea is even better.
Experiment with different natural flavorings using herbs and spices and fruit.
Fresh mint is wonderful, and excellent for the digestive system. Nettles are fantastic and contain natural relaxants. Orange zest is super .Ginger root is brilliant. Many herbs, spices, fruits and edible plants make great flavored tea, and many herbs and spices have real therapeutic properties.
Use a 'base' of green tea leaves - about half a spoonful per serving - plus the natural flavoring(s) of your choice, and freshly boiled water. Be bold - use lots of leaves - experiment until you find a blend that you really enjoy. Sugar or honey brings out the taste. Best without milk, but milk is fine if you prefer it.

Stress reduction technique 6 – crying

Golden rules of stress management
1) Be music lover
2) Share your stress with your mature person
3) Water therapy
4) Maintain a diary every day
5) See your face in mirror while in stress
6) Change the place for short time
7) Laugh at least once a day
8) Have proper diet ,sleep ,rest
9) Develop the habit of Raj yoga
10) To minimize anger, Keep silence
11) Drink water
2) Inculcate 3 A’s:
a) Avoid,,
b) Altar,
C) Accept
Share, share no doubt you can overcome the fear – Swami Vivekananda
Stress is not to borrow but to lend – Amitabh Bachhan
When you are in error
See your face in mirror
Past is history
Future is mystery
Present is the gift of time
Enjoy it and be fine - Mother Teresa
Stress can be managed by thinking positively
The meaning of positive thinking is
a)to look at the brighter side of the things,
b) -to think advantage of every event,
c) to learn something from everyone’s experiences
d) to be helpful,
e) to be proactive,-and
f) to focus on solution
An example of positive thinking : A person is breaking stone to build a temple when he was asked by a passerby he was very sad and angry and said I am breaking my luck ,asked another person in the same place doing the same work he answered I am working for a living and asked the third person he answered I am working hard to build a temple , it is a temple of god , it is my great pleasure to build a temple In this way we can see thing in different way, way of seeing things The third person has positive thinking but the first person has negative thinking about the same work .It means people perceive things from different angles. It depends upon the nature and way of thinking.
The thought process
1) Necessity thought : responsibility, information, experience
2) Waste thought : past, present, future
3) Negative thought : unrighteous, inauspicious, and degraded
4) Positive thought : elevated

Mind is the greatest but least understood energy resource of the universe
According to positive cycle if a person thinks, I can pass the exam he makes this vision, feels positively, then he acts, finally he passes the exam.

Tips for keeping outlook positive:
1 Think, speak and feel positive about yourself others and situations
2) Always visualize yourself and your life the way you want it
3) Set goals but remember you need goals not for what they get you but what they make
4) Don’t place limits yourself by saying I can’t
5) Let go in order to avoid hurting yourself and others
6) Discipline your mind sound intellect. As you decide what you put in there you determine what you get
7) See problems as appropriate to learn
8) Tackle problems one at a time then they are not so stressful.
9) Take out time for yourself as necessity and not as an option
10) Surround yourself with good people, people who support you in your efforts.

Illusion of stress:

1) You have to go to doctor to diagnose and treat stress.
2) Stress is normal part of everybody’s life
3) Some stresses are necessary in order to reach peak performance.
4) Other people’s situations and events are responsible for causing your stress
5) You have to be working 14 hours a day constantly meeting deadlines in order to experience stress.

Not much is known about the physiology of crying and tears, although many find that crying - weeping proper tears - has a powerful helpful effect on stress levels. Whatever the science behind crying, a good bout of sobbing and weeping does seem to release tension and stress for many people.
Of course how and where you choose to submit to this most basic of emotional impulses is up to you. The middle of the boardroom during an important presentation to a top client is probably not a great idea, but there are more private situations and you should feel free to try it from time to time if the urge takes you.

External stressor - physical conditions such as heat or cold, stressful psychological environments such as working conditions and abusive relationships, eg., bullying.

Internal stressors - physical ailments such as infection or inflammation, or psychological problems such as worrying about something.

From the above, it is easy to see that work can be a source of both external and internal stressors.Stressors are also described as either short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic):
Short-term 'acute' stress is the reaction to immediate threat, also known as the fight or flight response. This is when the primitive part of the brain and certain chemicals within the brain cause a reaction to potentially harmful stressors or warnings (just as if preparing the body to run away or defend itself), such as noise, over-crowding, danger, bullying or harassment, or even an imagined or recalled threatening experience. When the threat subsides the body returns to normal, which is called the 'relaxation response'. (NB The relaxation response among people varies; ie., people recover from acute stress at different rates.)

These are typical causes of stress at work:
Bullying or harassment, by anyone, not necessarily a person's manager
Feeling powerless and uninvolved in determining one's own responsibilities
Continuous unreasonable performance demands
Lack of effective communication and conflict resolution
Lack of job security
Long working hours
Excessive time away from home and family
Office politics and conflict among staff
a feeling that one's reward is not commensurate with one's responsibility
Working hours, responsibilities and pressures disrupting life-balance (diet, exercise, sleep and rest, play, family-time, etc)

Causes of stress

• Role overloaded
• Fear
• Health and sense of insecurity
• Over Ambition
• Environment Around
• Use of chemicals
• Changing society and family disputes source force ,recommendation ,Nepotism, political Prejudice

Symptoms of stress according to Hanse syle
1. Alarm
2. Adaptation
3. Exhaustion
4. Termination
Psychological Symptoms
1. Loneliness
• Unusual eyes movements
• Turning of eye lid hairs
• Forth while speaking
• Grumble walking
• Serious aloof
2. Tiredness
• Continuous movements of fingers
• Regular yawning
• Falling asleep time and again
• Grind teeth while asleep
3. Lack of concentration
• No interest in single work
• Increase restlessness of mind
• Loss of memory
• Forget even a very important work
• Feeling of heaviness

4. Lack of laughter
• Mental conflict with oneself
• Lack of mutual love
• Feeling of eternal scarcity
• Belief in artificial life
• Imbalanced life
• No knowledge of laughter
5. Fear and insecurity
• Recollection of past mistakes time and again
• Tendency to conceal the crimes and weaknesses
• Lack of self confidence
• Sense of uncertainty of future
• Inability to express emotions and feelings
6. Anorexia
• Being too much busy
• Use of high dose medicine for a long time
• Sense of anger an revenge
• Secretion of unnecessary hormones
• Imbalanced life styles
• Mental tension

7. Instable nature
• Frequent excitement and disappointment
• Sentimental and emotional
• Furious and irritating
• Obstinate
• Fail to keep words and decisions
8) Hypertension
• Excessive use of drugs
• Ulcer ,gastric
• Mental disturbance
• Heart disease and irritation
• Negligence in clothing food and activities
9) Immune deficiency due to stress

Factors influencing the effects of stress and stress susceptibility:
A person's susceptibility to stress can be affected by any or all of these factors, which means that everyone has a different tolerance to stressors. And in respect of certain of these factors, stress susceptibility is not fixed, so each person's stress tolerance level changes over time:
Childhood experience (abuse can increase stress susceptibility)
Personality (certain personalities are more stress-prone than others)
Genetics (particularly inherited 'relaxation response', connected with serotonin levels, the brain's 'well-being chemical')
Immunity abnormality (as might cause certain diseases such as arthritis and eczema, which weaken stress resilience)
Lifestyle (principally poor diet and lack of exercise)
Duration and intensity of stressors (obviously...)
Signs of stress - stress test
You can use this list of ten key stress indicators as a simple initial stress test: tick the factors applicable. How did I do?
Sleep difficulties
Loss of appetite
Poor concentration or poor memory retention
Performance dip
Uncharacteristic errors or missed deadlines
Anger or tantrums
Violent or anti-social behavior
Emotional outbursts
Alcohol or drug abuse
Nervous habits
Methods of personal stress management and stress relief
If you are suffering from work-related stress and it's beginning to affect, or already affecting your health, stop to think: why are you taking this risk with your body and mind? Lives short enough as it is; illness is all around us; why make matters worse? Commit to change before one day change is forced upon you.
If you recognize signs of stress in a staff member, especially if you are that person's manager, don't ignore it - do something about it. It is your duty to do so. If you do not feel capable of dealing with the situation, do not ignore it; you must refer it to someone who can deal with it. You must also look for signs of non-work-related stressors or factors that increase susceptibility to stress, because these will make a person more vulnerable to work-related stressors. These rules apply to you as well....
Stress relief pointers
Think really seriously about and talk with others, to identify the causes of the stress and take steps to remove, reduce them or remove you (the stressed person) from the situation that causes the stress.
.improve diet - group B vitamins and magnesium are important, but potentially so are all the other vitamins and minerals: a balanced healthy diet is essential. Assess the current diet and identify where improvements should be made and commit to those improvements.
Reduce toxin intake - obviously tobacco, alcohol especially - they might seem to provide temporary relief but they are working against the balance of the body and contributing to stress susceptibility, and therefore increasing stress itself.
Take more exercise - generally, and at times when feeling very stressed - exercise burns up adrenaline and produces helpful chemicals and positive feelings.
Stressed people must try to be detached, step back, look from the outside at the issues that cause the stress.
Don’t try to control things that are uncontrollable - instead adjust response, adapt.
Share worries - talk to someone else - off-load, loneliness is a big ally of stress, so sharing the burden is essential.
Increase self-awareness of personal moods and feelings - anticipate and take steps to avoid stress build-up before it becomes more serious.
Explore and use relaxation methods - they do work if given a chance - yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis, massage, a breath of fresh air, anything that works and can be done in the particular situation.
seek out modern computer aids - including free downloads and desktop add-ons - for averting stresses specifically caused by sitting for long uninterrupted periods at a computer screen work-station, for example related to breathing, posture, seating, eye-strain, and RSI (repetitive strain injury).
, Vitamin C is essential to protect against stress too: it maintains a healthy immune system, which is important for reducing stress susceptibility (we are more likely to suffer from stress when we are ill, and we are more prone to illness when our immune system is weak). Vitamin C speeds healing, which contributes to reducing stress susceptibility? Vitamin C is associate with improving post-traumatic stress disorders and chronic infections.
Vitamin D helps maintain healthy body condition, particularly bones and speed of fracture healing, which are directly linked to stress susceptibility.
A proper balanced diet is clearly essential, both to avoid direct physical stress causes via brain and nervous system, and to reduce stress susceptibility resulting from poor health and condition. Toxins such as alcohol, tobacco smoke; excessive salt, steroids, other drugs and other pollutants work against the balance between minerals, vitamins mind and body. Obviously then, excessive toxins from these sources will increase stress susceptibility and stress it. (Useful information about salt and steroids.)

Sleep and rest are essential for a healthy life-balance.
We have evolved from ancestors whose sleep patterns were governed by and attuned to nature. We are born with genes and bodies which reflect our successful evolutionary survival over tens of thousands of years. Our genes and bodies do not reflect the modern world's less natural way of life.
Having a good night's sleep is vital for a healthy mind and body.
Napping during the day is also healthy. It recharges and energizes, relaxes, and helps to wipe the brain of pressures and unpleasant feelings.
Physical exercise is immensely beneficial in managing stress. This is for several reasons:
Exercise releases helpful chemicals in our brain and body that are good for us.
Exercise distracts us from the causes of stress.
Exercise warms and relaxes cold, tight muscles and tissues which contribute to stress feelings.
Exercise develops and maintains a healthy body which directly reduces stress susceptibility.
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which is good for us. Exercises also releases hormones, and stimulate the nervous system in ways that are good for us. Exercise produces chemicals in the body such as beta-endorphin, which is proven to have a positive effect on how we feel. For many people, serious exercise produces a kind of 'high'. (It's arguable that it has this effect on everyone, but not since so many people never get to do any serious exercise they'll never know.......). Scientists still don't fully understand how exactly these effects happen, but we do know that exercise produces powerful feelings of well-being and a physical glow, both of which directly reduce stress feelings.
Anger management and stress
The term 'anger management' is widely use now as if the subject stands alone. However, 'anger management' is simply an aspect of managing stress, since anger in the workplace is a symptom of stress. Anger is often stress in denial, and as such is best approached via one-to-one counseling. Training courses can convey anger management and stress reduction theory and ideas, but one-to-one counseling is necessary to turn theory into practice. Management of anger (and any other unreasonable emotional behavior for that matter) and the stress that causes it, can only be improved if the person wants to change - acceptance, cognizance, commitment - so awareness is the first requirement. Some angry people take pride in their anger and don't want to change; others fail to appreciate the effect on self and others. Without a commitment to change there's not a lot that a manager or employer can do to help; anger management is only possible when the angry person accepts and commits to the need to change.
Ideas for stress relief - especially for workers at particular risk
Many workers in the healthcare professions are at particular risk from stress and stress-related performance issues (absenteeism, attrition, high staff turnover, etc). Other sectors also have staff that is at a higher risk than normal from the effects of work-related stress.
It is the duty of all employers to look after these people. The solutions are more complex than blaming people for not being able to cope, or blaming the recruitment selection process.
In these situations it is often assumed that better selection of (more resilient) new recruits is the solution. However, the challenge is two-fold - identifying best new candidates, and more importantly: helping and supporting staff in their roles.
In terms of identifying best new candidates, look at Emotional Intelligence methodology. The ability to absorb high levels of stress and pressure is governed largely by emotional maturity and personal well-being, which to an extent are reflected in the EQ model.
Television, films, computer games - mood influencing stress factors
In the same way that 'you are what you eat' recent research suggests that also 'you are what you watch'.
Given how the brain works it is logical - and increasingly proven - that if you subject yourself to miserable, negative experiences portrayed on film and television, and computer games, that you will feel unhappy or even depressed as a result. Negative, violent, miserable images, actions, language and sounds are in effect a form of negative conditioning. They produce stress, anxiety, and actually adversely affect a person's physical health.
Evidence is growing that positive or negative images and sounds have a corresponding positive or negative affect on your physical health and well-being. Watching or violent or miserable TV, films or playing violent computer games are experiences now proven to have a directly negative effect on a person's physical health, as well as mental state.
Conversely, watching or listening to an amusing experience or portrayal in a variety of media (TV, film, even books) has a beneficial effect on your mood, and thereby will tend to improve your physical health, mental state, and reduce your stress levels.
Negative viewing and game-playing experiences are bad for you. Positive, funny experiences are good for you.
Think about and control the influences upon you - reduce the negatives and increase the positives - and you will improve your physical and mental health, and you will most certainly reduce your stress levels.
Physical signs of stress: at work place and at home
a)High blood pressure,
b) Abdominal pain,
c) Stammering,
d) Diarrhea,
e) Sweating,
f) Chronic
g) Fatigue
h) Body ache
i), Arthritis
j) ,alcoholism,
k) Insomnia,
k) Headache,
Stress reduces immunity power to various illnesses
Stress at home and at work;
Divorce, marriage,
Selling home
Buying home,
Difficulties with in law
Bing tired,
Competing with colleagues,
Conflict with colleague,
Excessive work,
Noisy environment
Over qualified,
New job

Biology posters

Artificial_Evolutionaquatic Bbacteria

Avoid-The-Immune System


Sunday, July 10, 2011


Plane polarized light:

when light travels along a certain direction the vibration takes place in a direction at right angles to the direction of propagation. If the vibration of the ether particles are linear and take place parallel to a plane through the axis of the beam or the direction ofpropagation,light is said to be "plane polarized."

Huygen's theory of Double refraction:
Huygen's theory of Double refraction

Huygen's theory states that every point on a wave front is a source of secondary wavelets which radiates in all direction from their centres with the speed of the propagation of wave. The wave front is the envelop of the secondary wavelets. If we imagine a point source within the uniaxial Crystal(calcite), the wave front at any time correspnding to the O-rays is a sphere about the point as centre and the wave front corresponding to the E-rays is spheroid because the E-rays have minimum velocity along optic axis and minimum velocity in all direction
perpendicular to the optic axis.

Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction:

In the Fraunhofer diffraction, the source of the light and the screen are effectively at infinite distance from the diffracting obstacle or aperture. This is achieved by placing the source and the screen in the focal planes of two lenses. In this case the incident wave frony is plane.
Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction
In the Fresnel's diffraction, the source of light and screen on which diffraction pattern is observed are finite distances from obstacle or aperture. In this case no lenses are used. In this case the incident wave front is either spherical or cylindrical.

Spontaneous Emission:

Spontaneous emission
When an atom in an excited state (higher state) E2 jumps to the lower energy state E1 by emitting a photon of frequency v, the process is known as spontaneous emission. If there is an assembly of atoms, the radiation emitted spontaneously by each atom has a random direction and a random phase and is therefore incoherent from one atom to

Stimulated Emission:
Simulated Emission

When an atom in an excited state E2 interacts with an incident photon of right frequency v and is there by induced to move to ground state E1 by emitting the difference of energy of a photon of same frequency v, the process is known as stimulated emission.


Some doubly-refracting crystals have the properly of absorbing strongly one of the two refracting rays, while allowing the other to emerge with little loss. This selective absorbtion by the crystal is known as "dichonism". The best example of such crystal is tourmaline.

Interference of light:

Constructive and destructive interferrence
When two wave of same frequency travel in approximately the same direction and have a phase difference that remain constant with time, the resultant intensity of light is not distibuted uniformly in space. The non uniform distribution of light intensity due to the superposition of two wave is called interference. At same points the intensity is a maximum,and the interference at these points is called "Constructive interference". At other some point the intensity is minimum, and the interference at these points is called destructive interference.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Air Standard Cycles

Newton`s Steam Wagon


Due to the circulation of the working fluid inside the cycle Carnot Cycle, Stirling Cycle, Brayton Cycle are called closed cycles. And they are called external combustion engine because the addition of heat takes place externally in these cycles.
In our daily life we most commonly use practical engines are internal combustion engines for our vehicles, motorcycles, construction machineries, etc.

The internal combustion engines or IC engines are those in which the combustion of fuel takes place inside the engine. They are composed of piston and cylinder arrangement with suction and exhaust valves.

At the very beginning of the internal combustion cycle, the mixture of air and fuel is inducted inside the cylinder. A lot of heat is released when the fuel is combusted, which over heat the engine cylinder.
Hence to avoid the destruction of the engine , it is necessary to make engine cool either with water or with the external air.then the pressure of the gases also becomes very highhence pushes the piston producing work.
After that, the burnt gases are released to the environment as the exhaust gases and again the fresh mixture of air and fuel is injected inside the cylinder.
Because of releasing burnt gases and injecting fresh air, the internal combustion engines are said to be working in non-cyclic process.

Air Standard cycles and concept:

It doesn`t matter how the engine works (cyclic or non-cyclic), the analysis should be done on the input and output of the system.thus the air standard cycles was concieved to carry out those analysis.usually certain mass of the air is considered to be working inside the thermodynamic cycle and ideally all the processes are reversible.

Work done by a cycle
Acctually, the internal combustion engines work on the principle of air standard cycles. The most commonly used air standard cycles are Otto cycle which corresponds to 4-stroke petrol or gasoline engine also called spark Ignition Engine and Diesel cycle which corresponds to 4-stroke Diesel Engines so called Compression Ignition Engines.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Applied Mechanical Equipment


It is defined as the science which describes and predicts the condition of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.


(A) Mechanics of rigid bodies:

(a) Statics: It is the branch of mechanics of rigid bodies which deals with the forces and the effect by the action upon the bodies at rest.

(b) Dynamics: It is the branch of mechanics of rigid bodies which deals with the forces and their effects by the action upon the bodies in motion.

(i) Kinetics: That branch of dynamics which deals with the bodies in motion due to the application of forces.

(ii) Kinematics: It is that branch of dynamics which deals with bodies in motion without any reference to forces which are responsible for motion.

Rigid Body:

It is a body which can retain its shape and size even if subjected to external courses. In reality, all bodies change their shape and size on the application of force. However, changes are so small that they are assumed to be perfectly rigid body.

Deformable Body:

If appreciable change occurs in shape and size of a body by applying force, it is called a deformable body.


It is a material of a body which is so small that its dimension may be treated as negligible compare to other`s dimension. Mass of particle may be assumed to be concentrated at a point and a particle is sometimes called a mass point.

System of units:

There are 4 system of units commonly used;

* CGS Unit ( Centimeter, Gram, Second)
*FPS Unit ( Foot, Pound, Second)
*MKS U nit (Meter, Kilogram, Second)
*SI Unit.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Communication satellite and its Impacts

“Communication satellite and its Impacts”

Hello! friends,
Today, on the behalf of Communication Satellite, I`d like to present you a presentation of the topic “Communication satellite and its impacts”.
Hereby with this presentation, I plan to explain the ever-growing world of satellite communication, how it is changing the way we perform our daily tasks and how it has affected our lives in general, how different businesses have begun to utilize these new technologies.

(A) At first, I am going to focus on its meaning and types:

Well, an artificial satellite is an advanced electronic machine which is composed of various special purpose computers that receives or sends data and information in the form of signals. It`s main characteristic is that, it revolves round the earth in a fixed orbit.
Altogether, there are 5 types of satellite which are classified under their functions. And they are: Weather satellite, Military satellite, Astronomical satellite, Navigation satellite and Communication satellite.

Note: Here as number of satellite increases with decrease in its distance from the earth as a result network coverage becomes stronger.

Actually the backbone of communication satellite is geosynchronous orbit satellite. GEO (Geosynchronous orbit) satellite is 36000 KM apart from the Earth which is kept to cover 25% of the full globe. So, this orbit needs 4 satellites for full coverage. But because of this long distance signal becomes weaker. And after some research the distance is made shorter by introducing MEO (Middle earth orbit) satellite which was 10,000KM apart but number of satellite was increased to cover the whole globe. It also faced the same problem as GEO faced, which delayed in conversation. It was because of the presence of VAN ALLAN RADIATION BELT composed of highly ionized particles which damages the signal bearing particles, which is found from 1500km-10,000km. That’s why LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite was introduced at 1500km apart from the earth with huge number of satellites used. Finally, LEO gives new improvement to the network coverage.

(B) Secondly, I’d like to explain its origin and evolution:

At first ,in 1945 one of the British scientist and a science fiction publisher, C. Clarke published an article on new machine that can gives us the detail information about our planet and also can make long distance communication with high speed data transmission .

AS a result, in 1957 Soviet-union launched the first satellite called Sputnik-I, which brought vast changes in the field of global communication by reducing the voice traffic and traffic in television signals between the countries. Then ultimately, United-states also launched Explorer-I in 1958. And finally it is made for international system in the leadership of Satellite corporation system in 1962.Explorer-I

(C) Thirdly to its impacts:]

You can see its impacts and wireless communications in everyday life as you take a walk down the streets. People everywhere using cell phones, pagers, PDA`s, etc. Though even now the U.S. make stands wireless penetration at only 35% nationwide compared to European penetration level of 65%.Thus, we the south Asian are just scratching the surface for the potential growth in this field.

Another application changing our life is an internet. Though, this technology basically still in its infancy it has brought many resources within the fingertips of the population such as- research, publishing, government sectors, education, entertainment, shopping and financial services including investments and banking.Also many health and emergency response teams including American Red cross have adopted satellite technology within their means of communication in times of trouble, especially in remote areas.

Besides these all we can receive pre-warning to save our existence if anything wrong is going to happen like natural calamities and the collision of asteroids or huge masses with our planet.
Now, following the basic principle of science i.e.” when there is induction there is also deduction”. Which mean when something is introduced with its advantages it also carries disadvantages .Likewise in some cases of;
Impossibility of repairing and maintenance that’s why there is made explosion which creates universal pollution and also by hiding highly equipped weapons and interfering in the privacy of other countries can also create wars.

(d) And finally Conclusion:

To sum up these all, satellite is a linchpin of global communication which is leading the earth to twenty-first century. But we cannot neglect its negative impacts that war creating matters should be managed and also some improvement is necessary in the repairing process and maintenance system.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Study On Om Hospital And Research Centre

1.2 Introduction to Om hospital

OM Hospital and research centre (OHRC) was first established as OM Nursing Home in 1990 (2046 B.S). The former Om Nursing home began its operation as one of the initial private registered Nursing Home in Nepal having almost all the medical, surgical and investigative services.

Om Nursing Home started its service with 8 beds provided by 3 doctors. Gradually, OM Nursing Home started adding its beds from 8 to 25 and later to 50. In 2052 B.S. Om Nursing Home was registered as OM Hospital and Research Center (P) Ltd. under the company act of Nepal. OHRC featured 50 beds (Deluxe to general) while it was situated at Kamalpokhari, kathmandu Nepal.

In mid 1999 the concept of large-scale hospital was finalized which as a result, a large scale hospital with all the present facilities and other new and improved facilities was planned at chabahil, Kathmandu. The new OM Hospital and Research center has building construction in 4 Ropani with total area of 12 Ropanies. It started its operation from July 8th 2002.

The dedicated and excellent service has enabled them to turn a Nursing Home into a 150 bedded hospital which provides diagnostic, preventive and curative services. The Role of this is to provide modern clinical services at competitive rates, training heath professionals, and to provide research information to the medical world. Keeping in the concept of having everything under single roof not only saves time but also provides confidence to patients by ensuring that the patients acquire reliable diagnostic services and health care of the highest quality.

The promoters of OHRC are Nepalese businessman, Doctors and social activist including both male and female, all the promoters are from Nepal. All the shareholders of the hospital act as the promoters for the hospital. There are all together 46 shareholders of the hospital.

1.3 Background of study

It helps in training the interns to know about and developed various skills and capabilities of hospital administration, management and planning. It also helps to generate the skills in solution to rising cost pressures in hospital management, successfully targeting the growth market of diagnostic as well as focusing on disease management and further development of pharmaceuticals as well as related medical services.

As far as hospitals are concerned, the cost of medical services is rising with no corresponding increase in hospital budget. As a result modern hospitals are confronted with a number of challenges. Without having proper knowledge of hospital and its various aspects, it is difficult to manage and operate hospital.

The study is therefore meant to address the issues of; needs of qualified and specialized experts in health care management, financial management, departmental planning, equipment management etc.

1.4 Purpose and objectives

Ø To study the activities performed in the hospitals from the managerial aspect.

Ø To find out the problems related to hospital management.

Ø To develop the managerial skills.

Ø To understand the workings of different clinical and administrative departments.

1.5 Methodology

Methodology can be separated into 2 ways:

They are:

(1) Primary method

(2) Secondary method

In primary methodology data and information can be observed by observation, discussion and questionnaire. We can also collect data through interaction to the staffs and department In-charge .Case study can also be done.

In secondary methodology data can be collected from websites, booklets, template etc of the, browsers etc of the respective hospital.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

The study of health care management is vague. It is not just the study of its limitation but also its beneficiaries.

With the study made on hospital not only the students but trainers and trainees can be able to deal with the circumstances, helps to know about the disease, help to provide knowledge and skills and students are guided for their focus in health program running in the country.

With the help of this internship students will be able to know the working procedures in hospitals and about the services provided to the patients

Due to the vague nature various types of data could not be extracted and because of the time limitation all the information could not be collected.

1.7 Timeframe

I shall be doing internship in your hospital for 6 weeks or about 45 days. I shall be visiting your hospital regularly to extract various information and to understand overall functioning of the hospital. I shall be studying especially 2 departments of the hospital .During this internship I shall be studying about Clinical service department and Administration and Support services.

The different services and care under the above said two departments are stated below:

Clinical Service Department Administration and Support Services

Emergency Care Maintenance Department

Outpatient Services Housekeeping Department

Diagnostic Services waste Management

Inpatient Services Linen and Laundry services

Intensive care unit Security

Operation Theater Dietary

Clinical pathology/Radiology Central sterilized supply Department

2. Conclusion

OHRC is a private hospital, which provides all types of diagnostic, preventive, curative, rehabilitative services under single roof.

It’s an opportunity for me to do internship in your reputed hospital. This internship will helps to know overall functioning and develop knowledge, skill, managerial ability as well as the planning and hospital administration.

From this internship we shall recommend the hospital which will be beneficial for the organization to rectify their mistakes and review all the departments as well. The present data, information will be useful for the functioning and day to day operation of the organization. With this internship made on hospital not only the students are benefited, but the entire mass, employees, trainers are benefited providing better feedback for future concern.

I shall be remaining grateful toward this hospital forever.